Annual progress report ALAPEDES
Contract ERB-FMRX-CT96-0074
Period: October 01, 1996 - September 30, 1997
This is the html-version of the annual report. Not all sections are present
here. Math may not be displayed right. A postscript
version is available as well.
- 0. Introduction
- 0.1. The network
- 0.2. The report
- 0.3. Legend
- 0.3.1. Partners
- 0.3.2. Subprojects
- 0.3.3. Glossary
- 1. Progress
- 1.1. Scientific results
- 1.1.1. T-1
- 1.1.2. T-2
- 1.1.3. T-3
- 1.1.4. T-4
- 1.1.5. T-5
- 1.1.6. A-1
- 1.1.7. A-2
- 1.1.8. A-3
- 1.1.9. S-1
- 1.1.10. S-2
- 1.1.11. Milestones
- 1.2 Scientific highlights
- 1.3 Networking and
- 1.3.1. General coordination
- 1.3.2. Management committee
- 1.3.3. Plenary meeting
- 1.3.5. Further networking
- 1.4. Researchers
- 1.4.1. Publication of vacant
- 1.4.2. Dissemination of
- 1.4.3. Researchers paid from the
- 1.5. Interactions with
- 1.6. Researchers financed
- 2. Joint work
- 2.1 Joint publications
- 2.2. Collaboration
- 2.3. Conference visits by ALAPEDES-members
- 2.3.1. Waterford convention
- 2.3.3. External collaboration by
- Appendix A - Publications
ALAPEDES is an acronym for ALgebraic Approach to Performance Evaluation of
Discrete Event Systems. The theory of discrete event systems deals with dynamical systems that
are event-driven as opposed to time-driven; usually their state
variables take on only discrete values. Several approaches exist to study discrete event systems;
of these the ``logical'' approach, where the ordering of the events is
of interest, and the ``timed'' approach, where the timing of the events
is also of interest for the mainstreams form the research within ALAPEDES. In both
streams the structure of algebraic systems plays a dominant rôle.
In ALAPEDES eight partners from four different countries work together in ten
strongly interrelated subprojects, to develop new theory, applications and
software tools within the algebraic approach to discrete event systems.
ALAPEDES is a network in the framework of the TMR programme, European Commission,
Directorate General XII, network contract no. ERB-FMRX-CT96-0074.
This report describes the activities of the network ALAPEDES during the first
year of its official existence (the commencement date was October 1, 1996).
The report is written to inform the European Union on the progress of the
ALAPEDES network, but equally serves as an information source on ALAPEDES for
network partners (and maybe for interested outsiders as well).
The report consists of five parts. This first (Section 0) serves as an
introduction to it; included are the acronyms of the partners and a list of the
Section 1 describes the progress of the ALAPEDES network against the
objectives set out in the work programme. It gives the scientific results (1.1)
per subproject, scientific highlights (1.2) for the general reader, reports on
networking and coordination activities undertaken (1.3), introduces the
researchers funded from the network (1.4), gives information about contacts
with industry (1.5) and lists difficulties experienced with environmental
constraints (1.6).
Section 2 gives factual information on the network activities. The
scientific specialities of the partners are listed (2.1), according to the
codes that the European Union uses, the research staff involved is listed
(2.2), introducing the researchers funded by the network (2.3), presents
publications emerging from the network activities (2.4)
and acknowledges secondments between partners (2.5).
Section 3 stresses the collaboration within the ALAPEDES network. In it a
list of joint publications is given (3.1) and a description of the way contact
and coordination were sustained (3.2).
The ALAPEDES network consists of eight partners (one of which comprises two
locations). They are frequently referred to, in which the following acronyms
are utilized.
- - Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft, Nederland;
scientific teamleader: G.J. Olsder;
- - Association pour la Recherche et le Développement des
Méthodes et Processus Industriels, École Nationale Supérieure des
Mines de Paris (ENSMP), Fontainebleau, France;
scientific teamleader: G. Cohen;
- - Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en
Automatique) has two research teams involved in ALAPEDES:
INRIA-Sophia Antipolis (near Nice), France;
scientific teamleader: F. Baccelli;
INRIA-Rocquencourt (near Paris), France;
scientific teamleader: J.-P. Quadrat;
- - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, België;
scientific teamleader: B. De Moor;
- HP
- - Hewlett Packard Limited, Basic Research Institute in the
Mathematical Sciences (BRIMS), Bristol, United Kingdom;
scientific teamleader: J.H.C. Gunawardena;
- (formerly LITP) - Université Paris VII, Laboratoire
d'Informatique Algorithmique: Fondements et Applications, Paris,
scientific teamleaders: J. Mairesse; and
D. Krob;
- - Rij ksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen, Nederland;
scientific teamleader: R. Smedinga;
- - Université de Liège, Liege, Belgique;
scientific teamleader: V. Blondel;
The ALAPEDES network is structured into ten closely related subprojects.
Whenever possible activities and accomplishments in the sequel will be
brought in relation with these subprojects; for ease of reference they
are summarized below (the text utilizes the accompanying codes):
Cross-Fertilisation on The Theoretical Level |
T-1 | Representation problems |
T-2 | Stability problems |
T-3 | Optimisation problems |
T-4 | Control of automata |
T-5 | Large systems problems |
Applications |
A-1 | Transportation systems |
A-2 | Manufacturing systems |
A-3 | Communication networks |
Software |
S-1 | Investigation and critical analysis of existing software |
S-2 | Development of new software |
In the report the term (ALAPEDES) partner is used for the organizations
that were listed in § 0.3.1; students preparing their graduation
are called undergraduates, graduated students embarking for a
doctoral degree are referred to as postgraduates, researchers having a
doctoral degree are called postdocs; the term ALAPEDES researcher is
reserved for those (most postdocs) who are paid by the network funds, and
ALAPEDES member applies to (other) researchers working for some ALAPEDES
After one year from its start, the ALAPEDES network activities are well on their
way now, which, for the time being, culminated in a four days ALAPEDES workshop
in Waterford (Ireland), September 7-10, 1997. For the next year of the ALAPEDES
existence, new and similar activities are being planned.
The description of the scientific results is structured according to the ten
Activities which belong to more than one subproject, have been mentioned under
one of them and a reference from the other subproject(s) to that description
is given.
KUL has been working on the extension of previous
results in connection with the minimal state space realization problem in
algebra. More specifically the team has developed a heuristic procedure to
compute a factorization of a matrix in the algebra. This algorithm is used to
determine the minimal system order (and to construct a minimal state space
realization) of a max-linear time-invariant discrete event system.
Van der Woude (TUD) started independently with the problem of minimal state
space realization in the algebra setting along the lines
of matrix factorizations, when it was realized that KUL had started earlier
with the same problem and solution method.
Some scientific discussions between the two took place, for
instance during the European Control Conference in Brussels,
July, 1997. A TUD undergraduate (Van der Bol) started recently
his graduation project on relationships between the theory of
nonnegative matrices and the algebra.
Publications within ALAPEDES that are relevant to this part of the subproject are
[16, 19, 24, 68].
Next the KUL team has studied sequences of consecutive powers of boolean
matrices in the algebra. Upper bounds have been derived for the length
of the cycles of the ultimate periodic behaviour of a max-linear time-invariant
discrete event system as a function of the size of the system matrix of the given discrete event system.
The team has considered the transient part of the sequence of consecutive
powers of algebraic boolean matrices, and has derived upper bounds for
the length of this transient part.
This result has been used to prove that the boolean minimal realization problem
in the algebra is decidable and can be solved in a time that is bounded
from above by a function that is exponential in the minimal system order, and
to derive a lower bound for the minimal system order of a max-linear
time-invariant boolean discrete event system.
Publications within ALAPEDES that are relevant to this part of the subproject are
[18, 26].
ULG has been mostly involved in T-1 and T-2. Blondeel has investigated how
complexity results obtained for the usual algebra extend to the algebra.
This work is in line with some previous joint work of Gaubert
and Blondel (be aware that Blondel and Blondeel are different persons)
and with an earlier undecidability result of Krob. Blondel
has initiated with Gaubert and De Schutter an analysis of the
realization problem from a decidability and complexity viewpoint.
A ULG undergraduate (Cardol) has recently started his graduation project on the
analyis of the algebraic properties of matrices and their interrelation
with analogous properties for positive matrices.
At ULG Droesch is studying for an advanced degree. She is investigating the
properties of rational series over non-associative variables.
Publications within ALAPEDES that are relevant to this part of the subproject are
[6, 7, 17, 65, 66].
An important research item has been (and still is) the study on the existence
of cycle time vectors for systems, and various variations on this
theme. The total system does not have to move with the same speed on the
average; different subsystems can have time behaviours with different speeds.
Hence the introduction of a cycle time vector rather than one cycle time
(also referred to as eigenvalue).
Both TUD (Perennes, Olsder) and HP/INRIA (Gunawardena, Gaubert) worked on
this problem though the approaches are slightly different. The so-called
duality-conjecture is also considered in both approaches.
The TUD approach can be seen as a (nontrivial) extension of properties, proofs,
etc. known for systems. Perennes started to work on stochastic
extensions, for which the same train of thought is used.
Publications within ALAPEDES that are relevant to this part of the subproject are
[57, 58].
The starting point of the HP/INRIA approach is the class of so-called topical
functions (of which the systems form a subclass -- in the latter the
expectation operator is not included). Progress,
jointly with Keane (Amsterdam) and Sparrow (Cambridge), is being made on
dynamics of topical functions and non-expansive mappings generally. Deeper
understanding is developing of a relationship with nonlinear Perron-Frobenius
Theory. Katirtzoglou studies the relationship with so-called DAD theorems.
Subiono and Olsder continued the study of bipartite systems (bipartite
refers to a specific representation). Perennes and Olsder derived an upperbound
on the period of non-expansive mappings.
Publications within ALAPEDES that are relevant to this part of the subproject are
[59, 64].
In a joint effort of HP and INRIA-Rocquencourt Gaubert, Cochet-Terrasson and Gunawardena
studied the standard multichain policy iteration algorithms (Howard),
for stochastic or deterministic control and extend it to min-max functions.
They obtained the following results.
- In the min-max case, a new version of this policy iteration technique,
coupled with the introduction of a semiring of germs of affine functions,
allows them to prove the existence of the cycle time.
The duality conjecture for min-max functions is obtained as a corollary.
- The effective translation of the proof yields an efficient algorithm
to compute the cycle time of min-max functions.
One iteration of the algorithm essentially requires
a) to evaluate the min-max function at a particular point,
b) to solve a (reducible) spectral problem.
The number of iterations of the algorithm is small, in practice
(this quantity is difficult to estimate theoretically).
- They show how the specialization of the (classical) multichain policy
iteration to linear maps yields an algorithm which computes the cycle
time in an almost linear time. By comparison with Karp's algorithm or
linear programming, policy iteration is one order of magnitude faster.
Numerical tests will be carried out.
Relevant publications in ALAPEDES on this part of the subproject are
[10, 11, 34, 35, 36].
Activities by ULG under subproject T-2 are mentioned under § 1.1.1
The aim of this subproject is to optimize dynamic systems such as
deterministic or stochastic event graphs. The algebra
is well adapted to evaluate performance of a given system. But some
parameters have to be optimized such as the number of resources
of a given kind (number of tokens in a Petri net) or the schedule
of the use of resources (the routing in a general Petri net).
Important conceptual progress has been achieved at INRIA-Rocquencourt and LIAFA
by remarking that the schedule can be formulated in terms of heaps of pieces.
This new point of view is under development.
Relevant publications in ALAPEDES on this part of the subproject are
[37, 45, 53].
After an exploration phase of algorithms, as soon as the basic software will be
available, a toolbox in SCILAB will be developed at INRIA and ARMINES including
fast performance evaluation, resources optimisation and schedule optimization.
Progress has been made on the problem of fast performance evaluation by using
the Howard algorithm instead of the Karp algorithm.
In the case of stochastic event graphs the problem is still more complicated
and new methods of perturbations analysis are explored at TUD (Heidergott).
Analytic work allowing to compute explicitely the performance of some
stochastic event graph done at INRIA-Sophia Antipolis is an important step towards optimization
of such systems.
At TUD Heidergott optimizes stochastic systems using weak derivatives
He studies systems that can be described by the following recursion:
where takes only finitely many values and,
for given , is a matrix with random entries
and .
His aim is to maximize the given transient system performance index
L, that is, to find µ such that
E [ L (
xµ ( n ) : n <= m ) ] =
max µ in µ E [ L ( xµ ( n ) : n <= m ) ] ,
for m >= 0 .
For example, A may mimic a production system with several batch machines
with dynamic batch-sizes and h may represent the batch-size policy.
Then the second equation refers to the problem of finding an optimal
batch-size policy which maximises, say, the system throughput.
The solution of it is well understood in case µ is a
parameter of the distribution of T , however, it is an open question
how to solve the problem in case µ is a threshold parameter.
Relevant publications in ALAPEDES on this part of the subproject are
[46, 48, 49].
INRIA-Sophia Antipolis has obtained various analytical representations and numerical algorithms
for the expected value of any function of the stationary or transient state
variables of an open stochastic (max,+) linear system with a Poisson input point
First, Taylor expansions have been obtained in the intensity parameter
λ of the Poisson process.
The coefficients of all orders are computed explicitly.
Expressions for expected stationary waiting times of (max,+) linear systems with
deterministic services are deduced when the associated autonomous system has
cyclicity 1.
In the deterministic case, use could be made of integral equations to
characterize the distribution of the transient regime of the state variables,
and to describe effective ways to evaluate it. From this, a representation is
deduced of the stationary waiting time distribution in the case of general
Expansions for Laplace transforms, moments and distributions of these steady
state variables are considered as specific instances of the main formula.
Various examples are investigated, such as blocking (manufacturing and
communication) queues, synchronized queueing networks and Kanban networks.
This research is based on the following papers:
[3, 4, 5, 51].
The object of the subproject is to use automaton theory to study problems
related to the control of discrete event systems. In LIAFA, some work has been done on the
theoretical problems underlying T-4. Droste and Gastin have been working
on formal power series in partially commuting variables.
Droste and Gastin chracterize in ([29]) the recognizable formal power
series over arbitrary semi-rings and in partially commuting variables, i.e.
over trace monoids. This provides a joint generalization of two very classical
results: Schützenberger's and Ochmánski's theorems.
The relevance of this work to T-4 is due to the central rôle of
trace monoids in the study of a large class of discrete event systems: safe Petri nets,
see § 1.1.3 and [37].
As far as RUG is concerned, due to the fact that the ALAPEDES researcher
(Lifsches) started only recently, research in ALAPEDES context is just starting,
and specifically in the field of control of hybrid systems. Smedinga and
Lifsches try to combine known results from the discrete event systems control area and from
logics to obtain algorithms to find controllers in systems modelled by timed
The purpose of this subproject is to study large event graphs or (max,+)
linear systems possibly with a countable number of states, or systems with a
continuous state space. Three main directions of research have been followed:
1) extending known results pertaining to (max,+) stochastic linear systems with
finite state space to systems with a countable number of states;
2) putting the standard stochastic calculus and the (max,+) calculus into one
common framework, thus generalizing all the limit theorems of probability in
this way;
3) extending the notion of aggregation and reversibility to the (max,+)
In the initial plan 6 months were allotted to this subproject.
The effort done and the results obtained represent much more than what was
initially scheduled. Nevertheless interesting work has still to be done and
continued research in this domain is planned.
The following fields of activity can be distinguished.
- In recent work images, kernels of (max,+) linear operators, and
projections on images parallel to a kernel have been studied in joint
effort by INRIA-Rocquencourt and ARMINES. In particular necessary and sufficient
conditions under which it is possible to build a (max,+) linear projector on
the image or the kernel of a (max,+) linear operator have been obtained.
The results have been presented in [12, 13].
With this projector it is quite easy to copy old results obtained on
aggregation coherency and reversibility of Markov chains, in the (max,+)
context. Aggregation and coherency are defined for general (max,+) linear
systems. A particular case called lumpability is studied for normalized
linear systems (called Bellman chains by analogy with Markov chains).
Then reversibility and partial reversibility are introduced.
These results are given in a section of a survey paper (see [61]),
in which an attempt is being made to establish some links between
statistical mechanics and (max,+) algebra. - In a previous paper Quadrat, Viot and Akian (INRIA-Rocquencourt) have developed a
probability theory over (min,+) algebra, which can be seen as a formalism
for optimization. This previous work is extended to include in the same
framework the standard probability calculus and this formalism for
More precisely, for all positive µ, the one-to-one map
x -> -µlogx transports the classical semi-field structure of
R+ to
R + {+infinity}. Taking the limit when µ goes
to 0, we obtain the (min,+) semi-field.
Probabilities over all these structures are particular cases of capacities,
for which weak convergence is defined.
This allows one to present probability limit theorems, (min,+) limit
theorems for optimization and large deviation principles in an unified way. - In collaboration LIAFA and INRIA-Sophia Antipolis have considered an infinite tandem
queueing system consisting of /GI/1 stations with i.i.d. service
times. Such a model can be viewed as stochastic (max,+) systems in infinite
They investigated the asymptotic behaviour of t(n,k), the interarrival
times between customers n and n+1 at station k, and of w(n,k),
the waiting time of customer n at station k.
two versions of the model were considered: the quadrant and the half-plane.
Some ergodic results were obtained for both versions of the model.
This research is based on [1, 52].
The relationship between the (max,+) algebra at the theory side and
time-tables of railway systems at the applications side has been known to exist
for some time. At TUD Subiono and Olsder continued this research by looking at
the railway system of the Netherlands, including intercity, fast and local
trains (in a TUD doctoral thesis of 1993 only the intercity trains were
considered). This gave rise to a system with a dimension of several hundred
state variables. This dimensionality required a research to efficient numerical
In the beginning the emphasis was on the so-called power-algorithm in which
sparse matrices techniques were used (see [64]). Very recently Gaubert
(INRIA) developed another method, based on a policy iteration algorithm (see
under § 1.1.2 (T-2)), which looks more promising. The corresponding
software (in C) has been made available to TUD and will be used routinely.
ARMINES will investigate the same set up for SNCF (the French railway company).
Heidergott's work focuses on optimization of stochastic (max,+) systems.
The specific application studied has to do with the arrivals of two trains in
one railway station (see [47]). According to the time-table, these
trains should wait one for the other. However, if one train arrives much later
than the other, it may be better for this first arriving train not to wait.
Because of the stochastic nature and scheduling features, this work will be
more extensively reported upon under § 1.1.3 (T-3).
Official collaboration started recently with the faculty of Civil Engineering
of TUD, and with Railned, a subsidiary of NS, the Dutch railway company.
This collaboration has resulted in three postgraduate positions which are being
filled. For more details, see under § 1.1.11 (milestones). The
collaboration lead to [8].
KUL has developed methods to compute optimal and suboptimal traffic light
switching schemes for traffic-light-controlled intersections given the arrival
and departure rates in each lane; see [27].
TUD has recently started research on the synchronization of traffic lights
(``phasing of traffic lights'', ``grüne Welle'').
In a joint enterprise by LIAFA and INRIA-Rocquencourt Gaubert, Hautecloque Raysz and
Mairesse have studied the job shop scheduling problem using heaps of pieces and
semigroups of matrices in the (max,+) algebra. They have shown the link between
heap models and safe timed Petri nets, on which the jobshop modelling is based.
Using trace techniques they have reduced considerably the number of schedules to
consider. They have implemented in C and SCILAB a program computing the optimal
schedule. Some numerical experimentations have been done on academic examples.
The theory is being studied in [37].
The implementation and experimentation are given in [45].
Reasons why few real-life examples have been studied will be given in
§ 1.5.
A case study in the use of recurrence equations in the detailed modelling of ATM
switches was initiated by
INRIA-Sophia Antipolis. This work was in part triggered by discussions with Alcatel, a major
company in the field. The representation formalism is that of ``unambiguous''
discrete time Petri nets.
The modelling methodology is based on the combination of basic blocks.
Several issues connected with the nature of the
evolution equations associated with the model have been partially solved:
their constructivity and their efficient implementation in
programs for rapid simulation purposes.
This research is based on [40] and [39].
Model of heaps of pieces (or Tetris games) have a close
connection with communication networks.
In fact, some basic communication networks can be modelled using
heaps of pieces (see [67]).
These networks are telephone networks with links having capacity one
(a piece in the Tetris game corresponds to a phone call).
Several members of LIAFA (Krob, Mairesse, Choffrut, Gastin) and INRIA-Rocquencourt (Gaubert)
have been working on the problem of exact computation of Lyapunov exponents
(growth rate of a heap built by choosing the pieces in a random (Bernouilli)
way). The Lyapunov exponent is directly related with the performance evaluation
of the network, when the phone calls are modelled as random processes.
Different methods have been studied and compared. They are based, respectively,
on non-commutative formal series (Krob), Markov chains and context-free
grammars. For the moment, only small and toy examples have been successfully
The relevance of this work to ALAPEDES is due to the central rôle of trace
monoids in the study of a large class of discrete event systems: safe Petri nets;
see § 1.1.4 and [37].
This subproject was of a specific nature. In fact, it did not involve any
theoretical or applied research: the objective was to establish a review of
all existing software at the beginning of the project.
This goal has been accomplished, via the realization of a final document
[54] Report on Subproject S-1: Existing software.
The report has been made available on the web page (http://www.cs.rug.nlalapedes.html -- see
§ 1.3.5) of the ALAPEDES project.
The document was prepared through a formal meeting which took place in
Rocquencourt on November 8, 1996 (involving ARMINES, INRIA and LIAFA)
and through several informal meetings and dicussions thereafter.
It appears that there exists a great number of available (free)
software manipulating automata, Petri nets or queueing networks,
i.e. the three basic modelling frameworks for discrete event systems.
On the other hand, there is a lack of software based on the algebraic
representations of these objects. It is essential to try to
develop such software within ALAPEDES. This effort has already
started, as detailed in § 1.1.10 (S-2).
One letter rational series with multiplicities in the tropical semiring
(see [60]) have been studied by Kanta (LIAFA), and in
particular the algorithmic issue of putting such series in a ``normal''
(or ``canonical'') form which allows to check equality of series (this
problem is decidable for one-letter series only), of adding and multiplying
such series and putting the result in the normal form again, etc..
A program in MAPLE (symbolic computation software) has been written by Kanta,
which extends to the tropical semiring some of the functionalities already
available in the MAX package of Gaubert (INRIA-Rocquencourt).
In prolongation of the work of Mairesse (LIAFA) and Gaubert (INRIA-Rocquencourt) on heaps of
pieces, safe timed Petri nets, semigroups of matrices in the (max,+) algebra and
trace monoids, a first ``SCILAB and C'' fast implementation of a scheduling
algorithm (called Branch-and-Lex) has been contributed by Hautecloque Raysz
(undergraduate at INRIA-Rocquencourt). It is based on a clever enumeration of possible
schedules, given the precedence and competition constraints of tasks and
resources, in order to avoid considering sequential schedules which differ
only by the order in which tasks that are not competing for common resources
are enumerated in a sequence.
Gaubert and an undergraduate at INRIA-Rocquencourt (Cochet-Terrasson) have been working on
an efficient algorithm based on Howard's policy iteration algorithm to provide
an alternative to Karp's algorithm for the computation of eigenvalues of (max,+)
and other similar dynamic systems. This approach seems promising and the
corresponding piece of software will be enhanced and ultimately incorporated
in the ``SCILAB-Max-Plus'' package.
SCILAB is a freeware equivalent of MATLAB and it has been continuously developed
at INRIA-Rocquencourt for years. With respect to MATLAB, it offers the additional feature of
manipulating graphs and networks (graphically, algebraically, and in
optimization problems) through the part called METANET. During this first year,
Mc Gettrick (ARMINES), in close cooperation with INRIA, completed the first phase of
adding (max,+) functionalities to this package: this includes most basic
operations on matrices (addition, multiplication) and sparse matrices,
computation of eigenvalues by Karp's algorithm, residuation, and so forth.
Connections with METANET allow to represent graphs associated with matrices in
the (max,+) algebra.
In addition to having to reconfigure the way data types are described in SCILAB
in order to be able to introduce new algebras in a systematic manner now and
in the future, it has been necessary to overcome the following difficulty:
in the (max,+) algebra, it is common to manipulate values such as -&inf;
and +&inf; as well as finite values, which becomes problematic when two
infinite values of opposite sign are involved in the same (conventional)
addition. This subsumes handling exceptions called NaN (Not A Number) in
the proper way. Various solutions are possible but a universal solution which
is both efficient in terms of execution time and robust on all platforms
(UNIX, Linux, Windows, Mac OS) is still under study.
The software effort in the Mistral project has been oriented towards the
development of simulators for Petri nets, based on algebraic evolution
equations. This type of simulation is named ``equational simulation''.
A class of timed Petri nets, called ``non-ambiguous Petri nets'' has been
introduced, with the aim of broadening the modelling power of routed
Petri nets, while keeping the same simulation algorithm. Nets in this class
may have a general topology, and priority-based conflict resolution policies.
A set of tools implementing different simulation methods for
non-ambiguous Petri nets has been developed. These methods include:
translation into a queueing network simulated with the QNAP tool,
interpreted simulation and compiled simulation in a stand-alone
manner using the PROSIT simulation environment, which is being
developed at INRIA. The simulation tools have been integrated to
the modelling environment ERS.
Experiments are currently being carried out in order to assess the efficiency
of the different simulation techniques. The target application of these tests
concerns ATM communication networks (see under § 1.1.8 (A-3)).
The book [41], edited by one of the ALAPEDES teamleaders, and describing
the current developments in discrete event systems theory, will appear on the market in
November, 1997.
The subproject S-1 has been concluded successfully; see the final report
HP and the University of Cambridge has been awarded a 3 year EPSRC grant,
entitled ``Dynamics of non-expansive maps: theory and application to discrete event systems'',
to support a 3 year postdoc position in an area central to ALAPEDES
(and specifically to T-2). Close collaboration is foreseen.
TUD approved a project about ``Seamless Multimodal Mobility''; see also
[8]. This has resulted in several positions for postgraduates, two
of which are closely related with discrete event systems. Van Egmond started September 1, 1997
on one of these positions, the other one is still vacant. Contacts with Railned
(the scientific bureau of the Dutch railway campany) are intensified and this
will lead to another opening at postgraduate level. The postgraduates on the
three positions just mentioned will closely collaborate with ALAPEDES.
ALAPEDES organized a four days workshop for its researchers (and for some
``local'' researchers) in Waterford, Ireland.
As the number of vehicles and the need for transportation grow, cities
around the world face serious road traffic congestion problems. Costs
include lost work and leisure time, increased fuel consumption, air
pollution, health problems, stress and discomfort. Furthermore,
congestion slows the movement of goods and services, thereby increasing
the price of products and reducing the competitiveness of business.
ALAPEDES hopes to contribute to the solution of some of these problems in
a modest way. In this way, applications to railway systems and time tables
can be considered. The (max,+) algebra approach addresses, amongst others,
questions related to departure times of trains at stations (how they should
be scheduled) such as to have smooth change overs (passengers should not
loose time by changing trains).
Contacts with railway companies exist (especially in the Netherlands, see
under § 1.1.11 (milestones), but also in France and Belgium the
contacts grow). Traffic control (the synchronization of traffic lights,
grüne Welle) looks like a new promising field of application and ALAPEDES
started research in this direction.
Realization theory
It is well known that an important class of discrete event systems
can be described by a model that is linear in the (max,+) algebra.
Such a model can be characterized by a triple of so-called system matrices.
The minimal realization problem -- the construction, given output of a system,
of such a triple of matrices with dimensions that are as small as possible,
but realize the observed behaviour of the system -- is one of the most
important open problems. Research within ALAPEDES has resulted in a relatively
fast heuristic procedure that can in many cases compute a (partial) minimal
realization (see [24]). The complexity of the problem has also
been investigated.
It has been realized only recently, by the ALAPEDES researchers, that the theory
of timed discrete event systems based on the (max,+) algebra can be incooperated
in (and thus forms a subclass of) the theory of non-expansive mappings.
There is a mutual benefit and fertilisation. The class of non-expansive
mappings has less structure than the class of (max,+) systems; its results are
deeper (but fewer in number). For the class of (max,+) systems more (technical)
results are available.
Contributions by INRIA-Sophia Antipolis
New methods have been developed for computing statistics in stochastic (max,+)
linear systems. The problem of formulating stochastic discrete event systems in a theoretically
sound way has been attacked as well. Structural results have been obtained on
infinite dimensional stochastic (max,+) systems.
In manufacturing emphasis has been laid on scheduling problems. As a first
step to apply discrete event system in comunication networks novel simulation methods for
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) switches were designed and implemented.
By means of the software developments one is able to study large scale systems
(a few years ago systems of order 50 were considered to be very large, now it
seems that systems up to an order of 1000 can be routinely studied).
Especially INRIA-Rocquencourt, ARMINES and LIAFA are developing new promising software
algorithms within the so-called SCILAB environment.
The development of software tools fulfills two aims:
at the theoretical level, the fact that they enable researchers to handle
non-trivial examples fosters intuition for potential theoretical results; and
at the more applied level -- and this mainly concerns software which uses
numerical (rather than algebraic) programming languages -- dealing with real
life applications makes the availability of such software an absolute
necessity. This is the sense of the effort that is pursued under
§ 1.1.10 (S-2) and will be continued in the next years.
Another scientific highlight, though of a different nature, was the ALAPEDES
workshop held in Waterford, Ireland. There the ALAPEDES researchers and some
researchers from Ireland presented their latest results.
Day-to-day contact between ALAPEDES members within different partners is
established by electronic mail. The medium is used evenly for scientific
purposes (spreading knowledge and tools) and for coordination (preparation of
meetings, reporting).
A database is being set up (both in physical and in electronic form) with
publications in the ALAPEDES subject field. It will be managed by the
coordinator's partner and is aimed to mediate and spread knowledge gained in
the ALAPEDES setting.
The issue of coordination in the quest for suitable candidates for vacant
positions for ALAPEDES researchers is treated in § 1.4.1.
Through the network coordinator (TUD) several questions were asked to the European Commission
via its project officer. They concerned researchers above 35 years of age,
refunding of travelling outside the European Union,
publishing vacancies, the rule on previous employment in the same member state
and requirements to reporting, amongst others. In some specific occasions there
has been direct contact between other ALAPEDES partners and the European Commission project
The management committee meeted twice: on December 19, 1996 in Delft, and on
September 10, 1997 in Waterford. Progress within the subprojects, filling in
vacancies for ALAPEDES researchers and difficulties encountered were discussed
and plans were set out for the period to
come. Minutes of such meetings become available for internal use.
In September, 1997, all ALAPEDES members met in Waterford for a plenary meeting,
annex subproject meetings for every subproject. The meeting was given the form
of a scientific workshop with presentations by ALAPEDES members with ample time
for discussions. The meeting was open to researchers from outside the network
and attracted attendees from the Dublin Institute of Applied Statistics and
from the Waterford Institute of Technology. One of the presentations was given by a researcher from Dublin.
The workshop grossly stimulated mutual contacts, showed the state of the art
within the ALAPEDES research as a whole and made clear what connections exist
between the subprojects and teams within ALAPEDES. The ALAPEDES convention, that
comprised a management meeting (see under § 1.3.2) as well, has
been very successful and marked the end of the first ALAPEDES year.
In subproject T-1 mutual visits have been paid by members of TUD, KUL and ULG,
in which mainly realization issues have been discussed (see under
§ 1.1.1).
A close collaboration on the problematic of T-4 has started between Blondel
(ULG) and Krob (LIAFA). It has been materialized by two visits of Krob to
Blondel in Liège.
In order to investigate potential applications of discrete event systems for the Belgian railway
system De Schutter and De Vries brought a visit to Blondel.
Close collaboration took place between Gaubert (INRIA-Rocquencourt) and Mairesse (LIAFA),
who met about every two weeks (on average) to work together. This collaboration
was finalized by a joint publication (see [37]).
A formal meeting of subproject S-1 took place in Rocquencourt (involving
ARMINES, INRIA and LIAFA). The document finalizing S-1 ([54]) was also
prepared through several informal meetings and dicussions.
All the teams involved in subproject S-2 have worked in close contact, and very
often jointly, with each other.
The actions of the first year were prepared by two meetings at Rocquencourt
(involving ARMINES, INRIA-Rocquencourt and LIAFA, and ARMINES, INRIA-Rocquencourt and INRIA-Sophia Antipolis, respectively).
Moreover, a meeting is held every week between INRIA-Rocquencourt and ARMINES around the
work done in SCILAB.
Several other opportunities for the teams to meet each other are being
exploited, of which the meetings of the French (CNRS) working group
``Tropical Algebra'' every three months in Paris deserve to be acknowledged,
where quite a few ALAPEDES members meet.
The meetings of this working group were organized in Paris; Gaubert served as
one of their organizers. At full
information on this working group is accessible.
The group met at June 6-7, 1996, October 21, 1996, December 2, 1996,
March 17, 1997 and June 25, 1997. These meetings have concerned Cohen, Gaubert,
Quadrat, Akian and several people from INRIA-Sophia Antipolis and LIAFA.
At the address http://www.cs.rug.nlalapedes.html ALAPEDES presents itself on Internet.
The pages contain the research objectives, approach and work plan,
schedules and milestones, a list of participants, an overview of meetings
and an advertisement for postdocs and postgraduates.
A brochure aiming at a general public is included as well. The European Commission plans to
issue brochures like this, for which this brochure was compiled. In the process
of compilation the communication with the European Commission offices proved to be less fluent
than anticipated, but joint action of TUD and ARMINES cleared the situation.
ALAPEDES members meet each other frequently at conferences beyond the network.
In this respect the European Control Conference, held in Brussels from July 1
up to July 4, 1997, is worth mentioning. Not only costs are reduced by meeting
this way, the combination of project meetings with
other scientific events is more efficient; furthermore doing so provides a
better basis for dissemination of results and to promote the network.
The ALAPEDES network will continue to schedule its meetings in combination with
other events; the second plenary meeting for instance will be coupled to WODES
'98 in Cagliari, which promises to build a very fruitful combination.
Several instances of co-supervised theses foster networking within ALAPEDES. Under
this category the doctoral theses of Van Bracht ([9]), Blondeel and
Menguy should be mentioned, and the guidance of the graduation work of
Hautecloque Raysz.
Vacancies related to the ALAPEDES project have been published or made known via:
- e-letter on Systems, Control and Signal processing, issue no. 91,
March 1, 1996, and issue no. 110, October 1, 1997;
- e-letter on discrete event systems ( (sent in March 4, 1996,
October, 1997);
- ilas-newsletter ( (March 19, 1996,
September, 1997);
- (sent March
19, 1996);
- NA-NET News Digest (
(sent March 19, 1996);
(sent March 19, 1996);
(sent March 19, 1996);
- http://www.cs.rug.nlalapedes.html;
- e-letter on hybrid systems (,
October, 1997;
- CORDIS (sent in
June 20, 1996); and
- Sportello giovani ( (sent in June 28, 1996).
Furthermore informal networks and accidental contacts are used to sollicit
potential candidates on an individual basis.
Applications were assembled by the coordinating partner and distributed by
regular and electronic mail within the network. Some ALAPEDES partners sollicited
specifically for vacancies they have and communicated relevant applications
throughout the network.
The network has the intention to reallocate postdocs at least once during the
duration of the network (thus after one or two years) over the ALAPEDES partners.
Because of the short existence of ALAPEDES, because of difficulties in solliciting
and in tying postdocs with a temporary position to
the network this intention has not been concretized yet.
A list of ALAPEDES researchers can be found in § 1.6.
where also a table of all other researchers involved in ALAPEDES can be found.
ALAPEDES researchers partly enter the network with a background that differs
from the ALAPEDES theme. Integration in the network is quite successful. This
is partly due to the local scientific environment, where they can usually
participate in projects that the institutes where they are employed are
involved in, but a good part also by the cooperation between the partners.
Mid-November, 1996 Stéphane Perennes started at TUD. Since then and progressively team
meetings have been hold regularly, in which various issues were discussed
between the team members (Olsder, Perennes, Heidergott, Subiono and Van der
Woude) working in the ALAPEDES field.
Stéphane Perennes studies mainly additive topical functions by transforming them to the
Hilbert projective space. Questions relating to the existence of cycle time
vectors have been answered successfully in collaboration with Gunawardena (HP).
Some of his contributions at the algorithmic aspect eased computations in for
instance subproject A-1. Next deterministic convergence results have been
generalized to the case of stochastic (min,max,+) systems.
Publications by Stéphane Perennes are [57, 59, 58, 50, 30, 32].
The summary above is an abridged version of an activity report by Stéphane Perennes
that is available upon request.
Perennes participated in postgraduate courses of DISC (Dutch Institute of
Systems and Control) in Utrecht. Subjects studied were linear matrix
inequalities and system design. he joined the appertaining monthly group
seminar as well.
Bernd Heidergott started his work for ALAPEDES on April 1, 1997. He is focusing on stochastic
(max,+) systems, using the notion of weak derivatives as his main analysis tool.
See § 1.1.3 for his approach to these systems.
Another subject studied is the determination of the optimal waiting time in
case of stochastic arrival times of trains. This part of his research falls
under subproject A-1; see § 1.1.6.
One of his prominent interests is the application of stochastic (max,+) theory
to queueing systems and to elaborate on optimization of these systems. Bernd Heidergott
is in permanent discussion with N. Krivulin (St. Petersburg, Russia) and hopes
to start to do joint work with him soon.
Publications by Bernd Heidergott are [44, 46, 47, 48, 49].
The summary above is an abridged version of an activity report by Bernd Heidergott that
is available upon request.
ARMINES has been hiring Michael Mc Gettrick (on leave from the Waterford Institute of Technology) since January 1, 1997
and plans to do so until end of May, 1998. At this date, Michael Mc Gettrick will move to
INRIA-Rocquencourt to complete his work with the extensions of SCILAB towards the themes of
interest in ALAPEDES.
As a consequence of the nature of his contribution to ALAPEDES (software
development) Michael Mc Gettrick did not produce publications. A more elaborate description
of his activities, however, can be obtained upon request.
At KUL Remco de Vries has been appointed as a postdoc in the framework of the
ALAPEDES project. His appointment started on November 1, 1997 and will end on
October 31, 1998. He is continuing some of the previous research of De Schutter
in connection with the minimal state space realization problem in the (max,+)
algebra and, more specifically, state space transformations in the (max,+)
algebraic system theory. Publications by Remco de Vries are [17, 68].
Eleni Katirtzoglou studies the relationship between topical functions and
non-expansive mappings on the one hand and DAD theorems on the other.
It was not until August 1, 1997, that RUG could appoint Sam Lifshes. He
will try to combine known results from the discrete event systems control area and from logics
to obtain algorithms to find controllers in systems modelled by timed automata,
specifically related to the field of control of hybrid systems and thus
contribute to the subprojects T-4 and A-3.
ARMINES presently considers the possibility of hiring another young researcher,
indeed a postgraduate, by the end of 1997 and for three years. Contacts exist
with a German postgraduate currently completing a MPhil in Southampton. The
subject of his doctoral thesis is related to § 1.1.7 (A-2).
INRIA-Sophia Antipolis is looking for a postdoc to contribute to subproject S-2.
LIAFA is looking for the replacement of Kanta who will leave soon.
Sébastien Blondeel has started a co-supervised doctoral study in January,
1997. He has since then been paid by his home university. The intended
co-supervision is with Krob of LIAFA. Due to lack of financial support for
the originally planned 1997-1998 year at LIAFA, Blondeel is likely to re-direct
his research efforts. The doctoral position is open anew and has been
advertised in September, 1997.
The TUD started a project called ``Seamless Multimodal Mobility'', a joint
effort by various faculties among which the Faculty of Technical Mathematics
and Informatics (where the ALAPEDES researchers are employed). Thence two fully
supported postgraduate positions have become available on topics that are
closely related to ALAPEDES. An intensive interaction is foreseen.
One of the other faculties is the one of Civil Engineering and a joint contract
is about to be signed with Railned, the scientific company directly related to
the Dutch railway company. This leads to one more postgraduate position. The
contact persons with Civil Engineering are P. Bovy and I. Hansen; with Railned
the contact persons are A. Schaafsma and A. Berger. See further under
§ 1.1.11 (milestones).
After a long investigation from their side ARMINES can mention recent contacts
with SNCF.
The meeting with D. Gauyacq of the Research Department of this company took
place in Rocquencourt on August 21, 1997, in the presence of the ARMINES and
INRIA-Rocquencourt teams. It is hoped that such contacts will result in applications in the
scheduling of trains (in particular the three main lines of TGV from
West/South-West, South-East and North of France: they interact with each other
in the Paris area, which requires some coordination).
Within subproject A-3 there are strong contacts with the French
telecommunication firm Alcatel, especially on ATM switches. INRIA-Sophia Antipolis is currently
discussing the simulation of ATM switches; this activity would pertain to
subproject S-2.
The LIAFA team works on several problems related to cellular communication
networks in relation with the research and developement departments of two
important French companies (Nortel Matra Cellular and Bouygues Telecom).
The problems that are addressed in the LIAFA team cover different aspects
of the subject:
- performance analysis of communication networks (a joint doctoral study
with Nortel Matra Cellular is being set up);
- routing optimization;
- frequency allocation (a joint doctoral study with Bouygues Telecom is
being carried out since one year);
- optimal quantization; and
- distributed synchronization algorithms for Base Transceiver Stations
(a Nortel Matra Cellular patent with three members of LIAFA as authors
will be made pending).
The LIAFA team organized also recently the workshop DialM '97 (Discrete
Algorithms for Mobile Computing and Communications) that was the first issue
of an IEEE/ACM workshop devoted to this subject.
HP attaches considerable importance to the problem of developing a mathematical
infrastructure for studying computer systems. At the present time, however,
fundamental breakthroughs in mathematical theory must be made before a
significant impact can be made on engineering practice (for instance, in the
area of timing analysis of digital circuits). The emphasis at present as part
of ALAPEDES has been on the development of the theory and, in this respect, the
team is delighted at the progress which has already been made.
At this moment of writing no specific contacts exist yet with manufacturing
industry in relation with subproject A-2 because of the following reasons.
First, it was necessary to make some progress with software before being in
a position to address real-life problems.
Second, we have difficulties in establishing fruitful contacts with people in
this area. New efforts will be made in the direction of the French car
manufacturer Renault.
Third, a visit to Proth at INRIA-Lorraine, who is a leading expert in the
domain of manufacturing systems, convinced the subproject leader that the
emphasis in this field has to be laid on scheduling problems.
Some of the work previously mentioned (see in particular the work by Gaubert,
Mairesse and Hautecloque Raysz) is related to this general topic.
Future efforts should also be oriented in the same direction of scheduling
problems, even if not directly on manufacturing systems.
In table 1 all ALAPEDES researchers have been listed; their
nationality, date of birth, begin and prognosed end of their (present)
appointment, the partner they are working at, and the specialities are
All ALAPEDES researchers fall in the postdoc category.
Note that end dates of appointments are unsure as they are subject to:
1) internal regulations within the partners (the contract may initially
not extend beyond one year of duration), 2) the possibility that further
funding (outside ALAPEDES, however) may be found, 3) the possibility that
ALAPEDES researchers may want to leave earlier to fulfill a permanent position
(Stéphane Perennes left actually this way by October 1, 1997) and
4) the reallocation between partners that is strived at (ALAPEDES researchers
are encouraged to change their ``home base'' within the network).
name nationality |
appointment | partner |
Stéphane Perennes | F | 961115 | - | 970930 | TUD |
Bernd Heidergott | D | 970401 | - | 980331 | TUD |
Michael Mc Gettrick | IRL | 970101 | - | 980531 | ARMINES |
Remco de Vries | NL | 961101 | - | 981031 | KUL |
Eleni Katirtzoglou | GR | 961125 | - | 981125 | HP |
Sam Lifshes | ISR | 970801 | - | 990801 | RUG |
Table: Researchers financed within ALAPEDES.
Joint papers -- defined as publications in which authors from at least two
ALAPEDES partners have contributed -- are [1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 52, 53, 55, 61, 62].
Many mutual visits have been paid by ALAPEDES members. In
§ 1.3.4 some extra information has been included on some of
these contacts.
The plenary meeting in Waterford brought together nearly all ALAPEDES members.
Most of them presented (part) of their achievements of the first ALAPEDES year.
During the Waterford convention (the first plenary meeting of ALAPEDES; see
§ 1.3.3) several researchers from the DIAS (Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies) were welcomed. They are interested in stochastic aspects
of discrete event systems. Fruitfull discussions have taken place and one presentation has been
In the framework of the establishment of DIOC's (Delft Interfaculty Research
Centres), an official collaboration with the Faculty of Civil Engineering has
been started. The name of the joined project is: ``Seamless Multimodal
Mobility''. The subject areas are on mathematical applications towards
transportation planning. See further in § 1.1.11.
L. Shue, postgraduate of prof. Anderson, Australian National University,
Canberra, visited TUD during the period of June 26-28 and KUL from July 9 till
July 10, 1997. He gave presentations with the title ``On steady-state
properties of certain (max,+) products''.
Prof. R. Nussbaum of Rutgers University (Princeton) paid a visit to Cambridge
(funded by HP) during the period June 1-14, 1997 for discussions on periods of
non-expansive maps, and DAD theorems. S. Verduyn Lunel also came from June 4
till June 6, 1997 for this subject.
M. Keane visited HP.
Santos Mendes (UNICAMP, Brasilia) visited INRIA-Rocquencourt on July 10, 1997, for
discussions on (max,+) algebra and discrete event systems.
D. Gauyacq of SNCF came on August 21, 1997 to INRIA-Rocquencourt for discussions about
possible applications in railway systems.
É. Menguy, J. Boismond (and J.-L. Ferrier the second time) visited INRIA-Rocquencourt
twice (one day in June, 1997, and the second time on August 28, 1997) for
discussions around Menguy's thesis. Cohen is going to serve as a referee of
this thesis.
Cohen, Gaubert and Quadrat visited J.-M. Proth of INRIA-Lorraine (Nancy,
France) on April 2, 1997, for discussions of manufacturing systems applications.
Krob visited the Queen Mary College in London from January 6 till January 7,
1997. There P.M. Cohn and A. Watkinson work on a topic close to ALAPEDES:
non-commutative formal series.
Krob visited the Athens University of Economics during the period April 10-21,
1997. He spoke with prof. Magirou about maritime transportation networks.
Pin visited the University of Porto, Portugal, from May 17 till May 22, 1997.
He had contact with J. Almeida about finite semigroups.
During the INFORMS conference in Boston Heidergott had intensive discussions
with M. Fu, who is an expert in the area of stochastic optimization (he
published several articles on this topic and is author of a recent book on that
topic). He showed interest in the optimization of stochastic (max,+)-systems and
Heidergott is optimistic to start some joined work with him.
- 1
F. Baccelli, A. Borovkov, and J. Mairesse.
On large tandem queueing systems, 1997.
To appear.
- 2
F. Baccelli, S. Foss, and J. Mairesse.
Stationary ergodic Jackson networks: Results and counter-examples.
In Stochastic networks, pages 281-307. Oxford Univ. Press,
- 3
F. Baccelli, S. Hasenfuss, and V. Schmidt.
Expansions for steady state characteristics in (max,+)-linear
Report 2785, INRIA, 1996.
- 4
F. Baccelli, S. Hasenfuss, and V. Schmidt.
Transient and stationary waiting times in (max,+)-linear systems
with Poisson input.
Report 3022, INRIA, 1996.
- 5
F. Baccelli and V. Schmidt.
Taylor series expansions for poisson driven (max,+)-linear
Annals of Applied Probability, No. 6-1:138-185, 1996.
- 6
V. Blondel and J. Tsitsiklis.
Complexity of elementary nonlinear and hybrid systems.
In Proc. of the 4th European Control Conference (ECC'97),
Brussels, July 1-4 1997.
To appear.
- 7
V. Blondel and J. Tsitsiklis.
When is a pair of matrices mortal?
Information Processing Letters, 1997.
To appear.
- 8
P.H.L. Bovy, R.M.P. Goverde, and G.J. Olsder.
The max-plus algebra approach to transportation systems.
Accepted for the 8th world conference on transport research, Antwerp,
July 12-17, 1998. Topic area: Travel and Shipper Behavior Approach.
- 9
E. van Bracht.
On production lines with blocking.
Doctoral thesis, Delft University of Technology, 1996.
Defense was on December 20.
- 10
J. Cochet-Terrasson.
Étude et mise en œ uvre d'algorithmes de type Howard sous des
hypothèses faibles d'accessibilité.
Mémoire de stage de DEA ``modélisation et méthodes
mathématiques en économie'', Université de Paris I, 1996.
- 11
J. Cochet-Terrasson, S. Gaubert, and J. Gunawardena.
Dynamics of min-max functions.
Technical Report HPL-BRIMS-97-13, HPL-BRIMS, August 1997.
Submitted for publication.
- 12
G. Cohen, S. Gaubert, and J.-P. Quadrat.
Linear projectors in the max-plus algebra.
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and
Systems, Paphos, Cyprus, July 21-23 1997.
- 13
G. Cohen, S. Gaubert, and J.P. Quadrat.
Kernels, images and projections in dioids.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Discrete Event
Systems (WODES'96), pages 151-158, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, August 19-21
- 14
G. Cohen, S. Gaubert, and J.P. Quadrat.
Timed event graphs with multipliers and homogeneous min-plus systems.
Technical note.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1997.
To appear.
- 15
G. Cohen and MAX PLUS.
Vous changez de système, changez d'algèbre !
Colloque ``Voir, Entendre, Raisonner, Calculer'', Cité des
Sciences et de l'Industrie, La Villette, Paris, June 10-13 1997.
- 16
B. De Schutter.
Max-Algebraic System Theory for Discrete Event Systems.
Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Applied Sciences, K.U. Leuven, Leuven,
Belgium, 1996.
- 17
B. De Schutter, V. Blondel, R. de Vries, and B. De Moor.
On the boolean minimal realization problem in the max-plus algebra.
Technical report 97-68, ESAT-SISTA, K.U. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium,
August 1997.
- 18
B. De Schutter and B. De Moor.
Generalized linear complementarity problems and the analysis of
continuously variable systems and discrete event systems.
Internal Report 96-71, ESAT-SISTA, K.U. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium,
- 19
B. De Schutter and B. De Moor.
A method to find all solutions of a system of multivariate polynomial
equalities and inequalities in the max algebra.
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications,
6(2):115-138, March 1996.
- 20
B. De Schutter and B. De Moor.
The QR decomposition and the singular value decomposition in the
symmetrized max-plus algebra.
Internal Report 96-24, ESAT-SISTA, K.U. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium,
Accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and
- 21
B. De Schutter and B. De Moor.
The extended linear complementarity problem and its applications in
the analysis and control of discrete event systems and hybrid systems.
In Proc. of the IEEE Singapore International Symposium on
Control Theory and Applications (SISCTA'97), pages 394-398, Singapore, July
29-30 1997.
- 22
B. De Schutter and B. De Moor.
The extended linear complementarity problem and the modeling and
analysis of hybrid systems.
In Book of extended abstracts of the Hybrid Systems V (HS'97)
workshop, pages 15-20, Notre Dame (Indiana), USA, sep 1997.
- 23
B. De Schutter and B. De Moor.
The linear dynamic complementarity problem is a special case of the
extended linear complementarity problem.
Internal Report 97-21, ESAT-SISTA, K.U. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium,
- 24
B. De Schutter and B. De Moor.
Matrix factorization and minimal state space realization in the
max-plus algebra.
In Proceedings of the 1997 American Control Conference (ACC
'97), pages 3136-3140, Albuquerque (New Mexico), USA, June 1997.
- 25
B. De Schutter and B. De Moor.
A note on the characteristic equation in the max-plus algebra.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 261:237-250, 1997.
- 26
B. De Schutter and B. De Moor.
On the sequence of consecutive matrix powers of boolean matrices in
the max-plus algebra.
Internal Report 97-67, ESAT-SISTA, K.U. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium,
- 27
B. De Schutter and B. De Moor.
Optimal traffic signal control for a single intersection.
Technical Report 97-10, ESAT-SISTA, K.U. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium,
February 1997.
Accepted for the 1997 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and
its Applications (NOLTA'97), Hawaii, USA , Nov. 29-Dec. 3, 1997.
- 28
B. De Schutter and B. De Moor.
The QR decomposition and the singular value decomposition in the
symmetrized max-plus algebra.
In Proc. of the 4th European Control Conference (ECC'97),
Brussels, July 1-4 1997.
Paper 295.
- 29
M. Droste and P. Gastin.
On recognizable and rational formal power series in partially
commuting variables.
In LNCS, editor, Proceedings of the 24th International
Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'97).
Springer-Verlag, 1997.
To appear. Submitted to IEEE-TAC.
- 30
M. Flammini and S. Perennes.
Lower bounds on systolic gossiping.
In Proceedings of IPPS '97, pages 517-521, Genève, April
- 31
V. Froidure and J.E. Pin.
Algorithms for computing finite semigroups.
In F. Cucker and M. Shub, editors, Foundations of Computational
Mathematics, pages 112-126. Springer-Verlag, 1997.
- 32
L. Gargano, P. Hell, and S. Perennes.
Coloring paths in directed symetric trees with applications to WDM
routing, 1997.
Accepted by ICALP '97. Longer version submitted to Journal of Graph
- 33
S. Gaubert and A. Giua.
Petri net languages with infinite sets of final markings.
In Smedinga et al. [62].
- 34
S. Gaubert and J. Gunawardena.
The duality theorem for min-max functions, June 1997.
Submitted to the C.R.A.S.
- 35
S. Gaubert and J. Gunawardena.
The duality theorem for min-max functions.
Technical Report HPL-BRIMS-97-16, HPL-BRIMS, August 1997.
To appear in Comptes Rendus Acad Sci Paris.
- 36
S. Gaubert and J. Gunawardena.
A proof of the duality conjecture for min-max functions.
Draft, 1997.
- 37
S. Gaubert and J. Mairesse.
Modeling and analysis of timed Petri nets using heaps of pieces.
In Proc. of the 4th European Control Conference (ECC'97),
Brussels, July 1-4 1997.
Submitted to IEEE-TAC.
- 38
S. Gaubert and MAX PLUS.
Methods and applications of (max,+) linear algebra. Invited
In Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science,
Lübeck, Germany, February 1997.
(To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag).
- 39
B. Gaujal, A. Jean-Marie, P. Mussi, and G. Siegel.
High speed simulation of discrete event systems by mixing process
oriented and equational approaches.
Parallel Computing, 23:219-233, 1997.
- 40
B. Gaujal, A. Jean-Marie, and G. Siegel.
Modeling of ATM switches using non-ambiguous Petri nets, 1997.
In preparation.
- 41
J. Gunawardena, editor.
Cambridge University Press, Isaac Newton Institute, 1997.
- 42
J. Gunawardena.
An introduction to idempotency.
In Idempotency [41].
Technical Report HPL-BRIMS-96-24, September, 1996.
- 43
J. Gunawardena.
Recent developments in the mathematics of reactive systems.
In A. Mazurkiewicz and J Winkowski, editors, CONCUR'97:
Concurrency Theory, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1243.
Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Invited talk at the 8th International Conference on Concurrency
Theory Warsaw, Poland, July 1997; Technical Report HPL-BRIMS-97-08, May 1997.
- 44
G. Gürkan and B. Heidergott.
Weak derivative analysis of option pricing.
Working paper, 1997.
6 Pages.
- 45
É. Hautecloque Raysz.
Empilements de pièces, semi-anneau (max, +) et
Rapport de stage de DEA, INRIA, June 1997.
- 46
B. Heidergott.
On perturbation analysis.
INFORMS Conference on Applied Probability, Boston, USA, June 30 -
July 1 1997.
- 47
B. Heidergott.
The Delft railway model.
Working paper, 1997.
11 Pages.
- 48
B. Heidergott.
Finite perturbation analysis for queuing networks.
Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 1997.
Submitted. 31 Pages.
- 49
B. Heidergott.
Infinitesimal perturbation analysis for queuing networks with general
service time distributions.
Report 97-33, Delft University of Technology, 1997.
30 Pages.
- 50
M.-C. Heydemann, N. Marlin, and S. Perennes.
Complete rotations in Cayley graphs, 1997.
Submitted to Discrete Applied Mathematics.
- 51
A. Jean-Marie.
The waiting time distribution in Poisson-driven deterministic
Report 3083, INRIA, 1997.
- 52
J. Mairesse and B. Prabhakar (HP).
On the departure from ./GI/1 queues in tandem, 1997.
In preparation.
- 53
J. Mairesse, B. Prabhakar (HP), and N. McKeown.
Optimality of Tetris models for multicast switching.
Proceedings of CISS, Princeton, 1996.
- 54
J. Mairesse and LIAFA (LITP) team.
Report on subproject S-1: Existing software.
Final report, LIAFA, 1997.
14 pages.
- 55
MAX PLUS (collective name).
Max-plus-times linear systems.
Workshop on Open Problems in Mathematical Systems Theory and Control,
Belgium, June 30 1997.
- 56
G.J. Olsder.
Dienstregelingen en de max-plus algebra.
Euclides, jaargang 72, no.4, 626 no. 4:158-163, 1997.
- 57
G.J. Olsder and S. Perennes.
Iteration of min-max-plus functions.
- 58
G.J. Olsder and S. Perennes.
On the long term behaviour of min-max-plus systems.
Internal report.
- 59
G.J. Olsder and S. Perennes.
The upperbound on the period of non-expansive mappings.
internal report.
- 60
J.E. Pin.
Tropical semirings.
In Gunawardena [41].
- 61
J.-P. Quadrat and MAX PLUS.
Min-plus linearity and statistical mechanics.
Séminaire sur la mécanique statistique des grands
réseaux, INRIA, October 21-25 1996.
Submitted to Markov Processes and Related Fields, June, 1997.
- 62
R. Smedinga, M.P. Spathopoulos, and P. Kozák, editors.
Proceedings on the International Workshop on Discrete Event
Systems, WODES96, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Institute of Electronical
Engineers, Computing and control division, August 19-21 1996.
- 63
M.P. Spathopoulos and R. Smedinga.
Some issues on control of discrete event systems using model
In Smedinga et al. [62].
- 64
Subiono and G.J. Olsder.
On bipartite min-max-plus systems.
In Proc. of the 4th European Control Conference (ECC'97),
Brussels, July 1-4 1997.
Report 96-100 of the faculty of Technical Mathematics and
Informatics, T.U. Delft.
- 65
J. Tsitsiklis and V. Blondel.
The spectral radius of a pair of matrices is NP-hard to compute.
In Proc. of the 35th Conference on Decision and Control, pages
3192-3197, Kobe, Japan, 1996.
- 66
J. Tsitsiklis and V. Blondel.
Spectral quantities associated to pairs of matrices are hard - when
not impossible - to compute and to approximate.
Math. of Control, Signals, and Systems, 1997.
To appear.
- 67
J.M. Vincent.
Some ergodic results on stochastic iterative discrete events systems.
In DEDS: Theory and Applications, volume 7, no. 2, pages
209-233, 1997.
- 68
R. de Vries and B. De Moor.
Minimal realizations and state space transformations for discrete
event systems.
Internal report, ESAT-SISTA, K.U. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 1997.
- ...ATM
- ATM stands for Asynchronous Transfer Mode
- ...tropical semiring
- the set of integers with max as addition and + as
- ...SNCF
- Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français
Rein Smedinga
Tue Nov 25 10:24:09 MET 1997