Research Objectives

The theory of discrete event systems (DESs) deals with dynamic systems i) that are event-driven as opposed to time-driven and ii) whose state variables are usually discrete. Examples of such discrete events are: the pushing of a button, the occurrence of a computer failure, the arrival of a message. Though older traces exist, the real breakthrough of the theory came in the mid-eighties. It is/was stimulated by the development of new technological and/or `man-made' manufacturing systems, communication networks, transportation and logistic systems. In such systems both the ordering of events and the timing of them is important. Theoretical disciplines that support the study of DESs include systems theory, operations research, computer science and industrial engineering.

The project has three objectives: 1. a cross fertilization on the theoretical level; 2. applications; and 3. software development. We hope to realize these objectives by bringing together (most of) the most-active European groups working on DESs. Each of these three objectives has been split up in a number of subprojects with a responsible teamleader. With respect to applications, these subprojects are transportation systems, manufacturing systems and communication networks. Within each of the three objectives, the training component is an essential aspect.

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[Research Objectives]
[Approach and Work Plan]
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[Looking for students/post docs]
[Existing software]

Rein Smedinga
Last modified: Mon Dec 1 09:12:27 MET 1997